
In this guide, we'll let you know the difference in printing your trading cards from around the world

Why use CardTrader Autopricer?

Whether you are a private or a company, pricing your inventory appropriately is a challenge you will constantly face.
If you have thousands of listings, it's impossible for you to keep all of your prices updated, cards prices can rise or drop drastically.
CardTrader Autopricer helps you sell all those older overpriced cards and maximize profit for cards that are increasing in value.

Basic Settings and how they work

There are 2 core options that affect all your listings regardless of the other rules you choose, the Minimum price and the Update time.
The minimum price is the lowest price your items can have, for example, if you set 0,20 your cards won't be priced at any less than that. The refresh rate determines how often your prices are updated. You can update your prices one time, daily, weekly, or monthly.

We offer the possibility to define one or more pools, defined by value thresholds, and reprice each pool separately. Price thresholds take into consideration your actual pricing. CardTrader Autopricer applies the rule of the threshold a card is in at that specific moment, so it's possible that a card is moved into a different pool after an autopricer cycle.

Reference Price

For each pool you will select a reference price and a modifier. Items will be set to the respective reference prices, then the modifier will be applied. CardTrader Autopricer takes properties (such as conditions and language) into account, in order to offer a precise and reliable outcome.

The reference prices that can be selected are the following:

CT Min Price
The lowest price offered on the marketplace.

CT Market Price
The balanced average of the first 15 listings on the marketplace.

The exact position of an item in the list. Position 1 means that the price of the cheapest item will be matched, position 2 means the second cheapest, and so on. If you want to beat other sellers and need your listings to become the actual first or second listings, you will have to apply a modifier to the setting, for example -0,01. You can choose between CT Zero and General Positioning.
For example, if you select Position 2 with CT Zero positioning, your listing will match the second CT Zero listing exactly. 

Current Price 
This is your current pricing, the one you see in your listings.


Modifiers are applied after items have been set to the reference price.
You can choose between 2 different modifiers:
Percentage (+/- %)
Add or subtract a percentage to the reference price.
The number you enter after the modifier represents a percentage based on the selected reference price.
Fixed value (+/-)
Add or subtract a fixed amount to the reference price.
The number you enter is a fixed amount expressed in your currency.

Sample Strategies

Start off deciding your strategy, here are some examples:

You can be the cheapest seller.
Just select [Min Price] and a fixed amount of -0,01.
You can obtain the same result by choosing [Position 1] and a fixed amount of -0,01.

You can lower your prices over time.
Set your reference price to [Current Price] and choose to reduce your prices by a percentage or fixed amount.
If you choose -1% every week, your prices will be decremented by 1% every week.

You can maintain your listings at market price.
Select CT Market Price price and add a modifier. If you don’t add any modifiers your prices will simply be set to the CT Market Price. You may add a modifier to be more or less competitive on your listings. For example you can keep your items at the CT Market Price, with or without a Percentage modifier.

Fragment Option (cooming soon)

If you own multiple copies of the same card you can fragment your listings by using our fragment option.
This means splitting your items on different price thresholds in order to have groups of items with different increasing prices. 

You can select two parameters:

• The fragment Threshold
Items will be split every x copies.
This means that if you own 20 copies of the same card and you choose 4, they will be split into 5 groups of 4 copies each.

The fragment Price Percentage
This percentage will affect how the price of thresholds will be modified on a percentage basis.

Let’s use a 10 EUR card as an example you own in multiple copies and you decide to fragment in groups of 4. If you choose 10% the first 4 cards will be priced at 10 EUR, the next 4 will be priced at 11,00 EUR,  the next 4 at 12,00 EUR and so on. ù
The percentage is always applied to the first copies and it doesn't count the previous threshold. It’s +10% on 10 EUR for each step.