CardTrader Preset Shipping Methods
On CardTrader we offer preset shipping methods for all of our users. This gives everyone the opportunity to start selling immediately without going through an initial set up.
Shipping methods and their thresholds are constantly checked and updated by our team in order to provide you a service of quality.Private users can only use our preset shipping methods, while professional users can create their own methods and fully customize their shipment offer by adding any service they wish to use with their own pricings and thresholds.
Any user can switch a specific shipping method off, for example you may not want to ship your cards with an untracked shipping method: just go to the shipping panel ( Profile►Settings ►Shipping and delivery) in your profile and switch off any undesired shipping methods.
Should you see something wrong with the preset shipping methods of your country don’t hesitate to contact us, we will fix any issues promptly.